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Posts by admin
Dr.N.Raj Mohan Ph.D

Dr. N. Raj Mohan, has 40 years of experience as an eminent and trusted coach in the Self / Organisational

May 27, 2015


May 26, 2015
May 26, 2015
Placement Asst. Program

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May 26, 2015
OD / Training / HRM

OD TRAINING HRM Organization Development (OD) is a system-wide application of behavioral science knowledge to the planned development and reinforcement

May 26, 2015

We counsel every individual with utmost care, passion and compassion. Our counselors are professional psychologists who have more than two

May 26, 2015
In Press

“Individual’s Interest Vital in choosing a Career” – Bodhi Article in THE HINDU on April 14, 2017. Dr.N.Raj Mohan is

May 26, 2015

CORPORATE CLIENTS INSTITUTION CLIENTS Delphi Tvs Esab India PVT Limited Fujitec Futurenet Technologies ROCA Bathroom Products Aptech Ashok Leyland Auto

May 26, 2015
Our Partners

For further details visit: www.itechindia.co For further details visit: www.mssw.in

May 26, 2015

Dear Sir / Madam Thanks for showing interest to become our Business Associates. Kindly read & understand about the products,

May 26, 2015